Thursday 3 March 2016

Life as a big spoon has been described by many as a roller-coaster of emotion, you have this perfect image in your mind of it being a romantic gesture, snuggled up with someone laughing about the stupid little things that have happened that day. But in reality what happens is that you have an arm that's numb, a face full of hair, a partner that's sleep talking about pizza and an awkward erection that you can't adjust because both of your arms are trapped. Welcome to the life of a big spoon.

Every guy has these problems, and more, whether he chooses to admit them to the world or not is a different story. You're constantly being bombarded with questions about whether actions by friends mean this or that; kind of like Yik-Yak on a Sunday morning! But by the time you've gotten up and had the obligatory morning sex, life seems to be looking up.. Until the question of brunch arises... Then all hell seems to break loose, you suggest a place and she shoots you down.. The first place gets shot down because it doesn't have a Truffle Eggs Benedict, then you suggest the place that does but apparently it's too far to walk so you suggest somewhere else (almost tearing your hair out by this stage).. So what ends up happening is you sitting on the sofa eating soggy cornflakes watching sponge bob square pants. She then dashes in, rudely interrupting your blissful moment of serenity to be asked your opinion on a beige or a black version of the same dress.. And low and behold she chooses the one that you didn't recommend.

She's finally ready to leave, you feel as though you've just fought a war, but as you'll find out the war has only just begun. You then go to leave, and she has to check the mirror 3 times to make sure her mascara hasn't run while she's walked from the bedroom to the door and back again to grab that 5p she's forgotten on her bedside table! Right, we've made it out the door, up the stairs, down the street and she's forgotten her purse.. Just carry on moving I keep telling myself, you've got enough in your account to not split the bill, you're not a poor student any more. We carry on walking and suddenly I remember why I've spent so much time with this girl, she's funny and witty and somehow so comfortable to be around it makes me feel a little uncomfortable.. We stroll down the road, carrying on with our chat about aspirations and goals and how some people have their lives so together and here we are fluttering through life.

Our first step on our adventure is Carlton Hill, a must visit attraction for anyone visiting Edinburgh.It gives you one of the most picturesque views of Edinburgh, a view straight down Princes street and across Edinburgh's skyline. There's something surreal about being atop a vantage point, staring across a city and being able to watch people go about their days. After some flattering and not so flattering pictures of our model we decide to head for a cup of tea.. And yet again the search begins, with me suggesting a place and being shot down and then her suggesting the same place that I recommend first, might as well just give up on life! We stroll down the steps from Carlton hill, avoiding the droves of people out and about on Northbridge. Heading towards Spoon we loose one another, Zoe complaining about how I'm terrible at weaving through all of the tourists. There's a sea of them, literally a sea. 

We arrive at Spoon, an unassuming door, leading to something so dainty and cute, filled with students who are wearing clothes that can only be described as making them appear to be Hipsters. The old leather high backed chairs with worn tables and unmatching crockery giving the cafe an unparalleled atmosphere. We sit down for a cup of tea, laughing at the fact that nothing matches and how perfect the place would be for parental meetings and cute dates in the future. The tea is lovely, but what makes this place is the atmosphere, and as always the people you choose to share the experience with.